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Certification Exam - Level 1

Welcome to your examination! This test is designed to assess your understanding and knowledge of essential concepts related to fitness, health, and anatomy. The quiz below includes multiple-choice questions, identification tasks, and labeling exercises to evaluate your grasp on topics such as blood pressure, Body Mass Index (BMI), essential nutrients, and fitness benefits.

For the multiple-choice section, select the letter corresponding to the most accurate answer and encircle it. Each question tests key concepts crucial for effective program design and client management in the fitness industry. Additionally, you'll need to identify normal heart rate ranges, pulse locations, and correctly label parts of the circulatory system.

Remember, this exam aims not just to test your recall but to reinforce your learning. Good luck, and use this opportunity to demonstrate your comprehensive understanding of health and fitness principles!

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1 / 47

1. Which of the following is the normal Blood pressure?

2 / 47

2. Which of the following is true regarding the use of current clients to provide referrals for future clients?

3 / 47

3. How do you calculate a client's Body Mass Index (BMI)?

4 / 47

4. What is considered to be the average approximate resting heart rate for both men and women?

5 / 47

5. Name the six essential nutrients the human body must have to be healthy.

6 / 47

6. Which of the following should be considered as part of effective program design for your clients

7 / 47

7. Stretching is important because it helps loosen tight muscles and decreases the likelihood of injuries. It also offers other benefits. Which of the following is also a well known benefit of stretching?

8 / 47

8. All of the following classes of nutrients provide sources of energy EXCEPT:

9 / 47

9. Why is goal setting important?


10 / 47

10. What are two reasons to encourage your client to stretch?

11 / 47

11. Situational:

A 35 year old female visits your gym and asks you to perform a fitness analysis on her. After taking some initial measurements, she weighs 165 lbs, is 5ft and 8inches tall, has a resting heart rate of 75 beats per minute, and a waist circumference of 32 inches.She currently smokes about six cigarettes a day and has 3 alcoholic beverages a week on average. Her physical activity mainly consists of walking while at work. She has no experience in strength training.Additionally her family history shows she is predisposed to high blood pressure and diabetes. Her goals are to lose weight, tone muscles, and define her figure.

12 / 47

12. What is her Body Mass Index? (Refer to the situation you've read)

13 / 47

13. What is fitnesss? (Refere to the situation you've read)

14 / 47

14. Important components of fitness: (Refer to the situation you've read)

15 / 47

15. All of the following are the benefits of fitness EXCEPT: (Refer to the situation you've read)

16 / 47

16. A personal trainer must possess the following EXCEPT:(Refer to the situattion you've read)

17 / 47

17. Client Dynessa complaints of pain in her shoulders due to excessive use. You noticed her shoulders swells and it has reddness. As a good personal trainer what should you do?

18 / 47

18. What is anatomy?

19 / 47

19.  What is visceral muscles?

20 / 47

20. Functions of the skeletal muscles:

21 / 47

21. Irregular bones have complicated shapes and so cannot be classified into any of the shape-based categories. Examples of irregular bones are:

22 / 47

22. II. Identification

Normal Range Heart Rate

23 / 47

23. II.Identification


24 / 47

24. II. Identification

24 - 33 Location of pulses

Any order

25 / 47

25. (II) Identification

26 / 47

26. III. Label the following, Make sure to take a screenshot of the skeleton

27 / 47

27. III.) Refer to question #1 on the Test 3 skeleton identification.

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28. III.) Refer to question #2 on the Test 3 skeleton identification.

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29. III.) Refer to question #3 on the Test 3 skeleton identification.

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30. III.) Refer to question #4 on the Test 3 skeleton identification.

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31. III.) Refer to question #5 on the Test 3 skeleton identification.

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32. III.) Refer to question #6 on the Test 3 skeleton identification.

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33. III.) Refer to question #7 on the Test 3 skeleton identification.

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34. III.) Refer to question #8 on the Test 3 skeleton identification.

35 / 47

35. III.) Refer to question #9 on the Test 3 skeleton identification.

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36. III.) Refer to question #10 on the Test 3 skeleton identification.

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37. III.) Refer to question #11 on the Test 3 skeleton identification.

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38. III.) Refer to question #12 on the Test 3 skeleton identification.

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39. III.) Refer to question #13 on the Test 3 skeleton identification.

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40. III.) Refer to question #14 on the Test 3 skeleton identification.

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41. III.) Refer to question #15 on the Test 3 skeleton identification.

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42. III.) Refer to question #16 on the Test 3 skeleton identification.

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43. III.) Refer to question #17 on the Test 3 skeleton identification.

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44. III.) Refer to question #18 on the Test 3 skeleton identification.

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45. III.) Refer to question #19 on the Test 3 skeleton identification.

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46. III.) Refer to question #20 on the Test 3 skeleton identification.

47 / 47

47. For 7 points . Essay: Why do we need to study and learn Level 1 basic fitness instructor course?

The average score is 37%



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